Fall 1995
Semester Annual

DiS Reunions
on Zoom
Group Photo 
25th Annual ~ October 3, 2020

Zoom Photo

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The 25th Annual DiS Reunion was supposed to be in New York City on October 3-5, 2020. Many had planned to fly in for it. Due to the COVID-19 health crises, however, that gathering was postponed. In its place was a 25th Annual DiS Zoom Reunion on October 3, 2020 at 4pm Eastern Daylight Time. It became our largest reunion to date with 24 in attendance. The participants were located all across the U.S., with one in Canada, and one in Denmark. In addition to general conversation, each attendee spoke about what they were currently doing and whether they had kids. Four drank a Carlsberg beer, two brought the 'Fry Game', a question on Jeopardy! about Denmark was played, and a verse of "Living Next Door to Alice" was enjoyed by all. The reunion lasted 2 hours, although most were off after around 1 hour and 10 minutes.
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